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Advanced Reading Concepts - Speed Reading Plus

Upcoming Public
Speed Reading Classes

March 2025

There are no courses currently scheduled.

Student Testimonials

"I thought that the class helped me improve my reading skills and comprehension. I liked the combination of tips and note-skills. Ultimately, I learned to read quickly and also comprehend well."

- Rahul C., New Albany HS (Student Courses)

Advanced Reading Concepts

1 (888) 524-0012 | (614) 486-2473

1826 Glenn Ave., Columbus, OH 43212 www.arcspeedreading.com

Advanced Reading Concepts is a BBB Accredited Business. Click for the BBB Business Review of this Reading Instruction in Columbus OH

Covid 19 Precautions: 

Classroom is santitized before and after each class. Class size limited to 3 to allow for social distancing. Temperatures will be taken at door with an IR thermometer.  Masks will be provided.<p>



Speed Reading Courses for the Competitive Edge

Click here to check out our schedule of
upcoming SpeedReading classes.

About Our Speed Reading Classes
Real Instruction--For Real Results

Corona 19 Precautions:  Class size is limited to 3 at our sanitized facility for social distancing. Temperatures will be taken with an IR thermometer upon arrival and masks will be provided. Snacks are prepackaged.

The competitive edge in a competitive world.  
Come to Ohio for a small, public speed reading class where our lessons provide adults and teens the expert coaching necessary to change a lifetime of slow reading--or arrange for us to conduct our course at YOUR LOCATION and teach your associates Reading Management.

All of our speedreading courses and seminars provide tools for reading faster and understanding more. Our students learn visual techniques to see more words at once and mental strategies for focusing on concepts and ideas rather than individual words.

Which speed reading format is right for you?Studying on the computer for college classes

Public Speed Reading Plus™  for Adults & Students (in Columbus, Ohio and Summer Speed Reading for Teens

Preparing for the MCAT with speed readingWe provide adults and teens the expert coaching necessary to change the lifetime habit of slow reading in small, regularly scheduled speed reading courses held in Columbus, Ohio.

We have added  space limited classes for teens and adults. We have introductory sessions, half day classes, and weekend courses

Introductory Seminars--Check us out at one of our one hour forty-five minute sessions. Learn to read 100 words per minute faster immediately and find out if a full speed reading course is right for you!

We have scheduled a Half Day Class for those who want something longer than an introductory seminar but shorter than a full course. It does include technical reading and writing.

Our public speed reading courses provide life long and life changing skills for teenage and adult students who are preparing for success by helping them reach their education and career goals. Our week long courses and weekend classes are convenient for locals and those visiting us from out of town.

You Will Learn to:

  • Instantaneously pinpoint what you need to read.
  • Increase your reading speed at least 300-500% while improving your comprehension, recall and retention.
  • Learn a system for mastering textbooks and technical documents.
  • Use the note taking part of that system to organize the information to study for exams, combine lecture notes with textbook information, take essay exams, write reports, papers, and make presentations.

Summer Speed Reading Courses for Teens
 We have set dates for this summer.  We are taking enrollments as the districts have announced that summer classes will be held. We might be more limited in the number that we can take so sign up early.    
 Click here for our 2019 results and student comments.

Speedreading improves reading comprehension in the classroom and on standardized tests.Our Special Summer Speed Reading Classes are held in  June, and August and are open to students entering 7th grade through graduating seniors. Students get a life time skill and are prepared to excel in AP  and CCP courses, on standardized tests and for all their career and education goals.

Equally beneficial for the reluctant reader who needs more confidence as well as for the very busy excellent student who needs more time.

You Will Learn to:

  • Instantaneously pinpoint what you need to read.
  • Increase your reading speed at least 300-500% while improving your comprehension, recall and retention.
  • Learn a system for mastering textbooks and technical documents.
  • Use the note taking part of that system to organize the information to study for exams, combine lecture notes with textbook information, take essay exams, write reports, papers, and make presentations.
Gain confidence and the competitive edge for a lifetime.

Special--a two session workshop to increase speed and comprehension for those who don't have the time to save time--includes technical reading and writing! For teens and adults.
 We can also schedule this at your convenience at our facility for 3 or more or at your place for a group of 10 to 20.

Corporate, Government, and Military Speed ReaBusiness people benefit from learning to speedreadding Plus™ Technical Reading and Writing Classes & Read Faster to Understand More™ Association Seminars (at your location).

Have us come to YOUR FACILITY.  We will tailor our program to meet your needs and specific interests.  Our corporate Speed Reading Plus™ courses are typically 6, 9, or 12-hours in length (can be split into 2, 3, or 4 sessions). They are ideal for your staff members who have a great deal of information to process to be effective in their jobs--increasing their personal productivity and department profitability.

GSA Advantage
Learn more and read our
Capability Statement

They will be able to shrink three hours of reading down to one with better comprehension and more efficient writing skills.  Our classes have a huge ROI for corporations; for the military they are mission critical as gathering crucial information rapidly with increased accuracy is essential to our security.  There have been recent articles written about the importance of seeing the big picture to avoid mistakes that are made when only the details are looked at.  Our courses teach how to do that.

Our "Reading Faster to Understand More™" Seminars range fromSpeedreading seminars are perfect for continuing education and training curriculum. 1.5 hour to 4 hours and are a dynamically different choice for your professional conferences and meetings.  

During your training, attendees will learn to read faster and understand more.  They will be able to:

  • Instantly screen material for its value--find answers for clients and delete emails with confidence!
  • Learn the techniques speedreaders use--rapidly absorb E-mail, books, correspondence, and publications.
  • Realize an immediate 20% to 500% or more increase* in reading rates and achieve greater gains with practice (*increase depends on length of workshop) with an increase in comprehension and recall.
  • Layer information for enhanced speed, recall and retention.
  • And in our longer courses:  Master technical reading and organize the information for later use--writing documents, proposals and papers more effectively and efficiently, making presentations, or preparing for professional exams.
  • We are CCR registered and can accept EFTs.
For pricing and booking information, please call us at
614-486-2473 or click here to request a quote.



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