"I was very skeptical of this class at first, but by the end of the first day I was very excited to learn and grow. This class taught me so much more than I ever expected, and I know this opportunity will help me so much in the future. Thank you so much!"
- Sara N., Upper Arlington High School (Student Courses)
Speed Reading Company was founded in
1977 by professionals who used their
backgrounds from American Speedreading
Academy and Evelyn Woods Reading
Dynamics to create a blend of the best
visual and comprehension building
techniques currently known resulting in
amazing reading improvement. Additional
research in reading and accelerated
learning along with years of experience
have continually improved our programs.
Our speed reading courses and
seminars give our participants reading
speed, comprehension and concentration
skills along with the confidence to
succeed at work, in school, on tests and
in life.
To the right, watch
Speedreading Expert Bonnie James being
interviewed on ONN Ohio & Company
and Columbus BizTV with Mary B.
Our Teaching & Support Staff
Bonnie James,
our president and a founder of
Advanced Reading Concepts, is a
speed reading expert and dynamic presenter who
was just named Small Business
Person of the Year by the
Grandview Area Chamber of
Commerce, has been
listed in Business First's
"Who's Who in Business Education
and Training." She is sought
after nationwide as a speaker
and trainer for conferences,
associations, schools, corporations,
the government and the military. She was
interviewed as the speed reading
expert for an article on
PolitiFact.com. In 2011, Bonnie
was honored by the General
Assembly of the State of Ohio
Senate for Outstanding
Achievement signed by
Senate President Tom Niehous and
Senator Jim Hughes, and as a distinguished
graduate and outstanding alumnus
by the University Education Dean
of the College of Education and
Human Ecology. For this, Senator
Sherrod Brown and State
Representative Ted Celeste both
sent her recognition letters.She has helped
thousands of busy people achieve
their goals in education,
business and life. Bonnie says
that the reason she still loves
teaching speed reading is
because, "I love helping people
reach a potential they never
even knew they had."
Bob James
is our vice president of
business development and works
with our clients and partners to
bring our speed reading courses
and seminars to corporations,
associations and other
non-profits, and government and
military installations
nationwide. He is an experienced
business professional with over
25 years of experience in
marketing and sales of
professional services and
systems both in the US and
internationally. He has a BS
degree in engineering and an MBA
in marketing and business
& Recognition
In the 35 years Bonnie has been at the
helm of Advanced Reading Concepts, she
has been recognized many times for her
excellence, including:
2013 Named Small Business Person
of the Year award from the Grandview
Area Chamber of Commerce.
2011 Distinguished Graduate of the
College of Education and Human Ecology
at The Ohio State University,
Many of our clients are
over-scheduled students and
professionals, including business
owners, managers, sales reps,
researchers, etc. These adults and teens
are getting ready for the next step in
their lives: preparing for professional
or college entrance exams, further
education, or professional advancement.
Other clients are corporations who give
their staff members our tools to
increase efficiency and productivity as
well as intel students and researchers
in our armed forces for whom absorbing
information with greater comprehension
is essential to their success and ours
as a country.
We have a proven track record of helping
people who have ADHD and some with
dyslexia. Our emphasis on re-training
the eyes to move faster, which cuts down
on the mindഥndency to wander, allows
for greater focus and fewer
distractions. By seeing more at one time
and trusting the brain to absorb the
information, the reader is able to
comprehend the meaning, while the bad
habit of lingering on each individual
word is broken.
The Ohio Society of CPAs realizes the
value of our courses and gives one hour
credit for each hour of class time. We
have presented seminars at the Ohio
Society of CPAsiness & Technology
Expos and CPE days on numerous
We have presented our Reading Faster to
Understand More㥭inars at many other
Associations㯮ferences, including the
Project Management Institute, Midwest
Veterinary Association, the Ohio Health
Care Association, International
Association of Administrative
Professionals, South Dakota Pharmacy
Association, Ohio Pharmacy Association,
Business and Professional Women͊ Leadership Conference and the Ohio
Society of Association Executives.
Recent corporate and government clients: NASA Glenn Research Center, The Air
Force Research Laboratory at both Wright
Patterson and Eglin Air Force Base,
US Army at Ft Bragg, Ft Monmouth, Raven
Rock and Aberdeen Proving Ground,
The Marines at Camp LeJeune, Dam Neck,
Pendleton and Mirimar, Nationwide Insurance, BarclayǬobal
Financial, AEGON USA, The American Red
Cross, IDG, Southern California Edison,
Roxanne Laboratories, American Electric
Power, Lucent Technologies, and the Ohio
Department of Public Safety.