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Advanced Reading Concepts - Speed Reading Plus

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Speed Reading Classes

February 2025

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Advanced Reading Concepts

1 (888) 524-0012 | (614) 486-2473

1826 Glenn Ave., Columbus, OH 43212 www.arcspeedreading.com

Contact Us for Course Information

Advanced Reading Concepts is a BBB Accredited Business. Click for the BBB Business Review of this Reading Instruction in Columbus OH




Capability Statement


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Advanced Reading Concepts was founded in 1977 in Columbus, Ohio by reading professionals who combined their knowledge to create a unique Speedreading course to meet the needs of both students and professionals, based on the best visual, comprehension and teaching techniques. These techniques have been augmented through the years – improving through additional research and experience with over 5,000 students.

Company Principals:

Bonnie James, President and founder is a nationally recognized speaker and trainer for conferences, trade associations, schools, corporations and government installations. For helping thousands of people enrich their lives by reading faster to understand more, she was given the Ohio State University's College of Education and Human Ecology's alumni Career Achievement Award. She is listed in Business First’s “Who’s Who in Business Education and Training”, is a former board member of the Columbus Chapter of the American Society of Training and Development, the Columbus and Grandview (Ohio) Chambers of Commerce, and the Columbus District Small Business Administration’s advisory board. She has a BS degree in Education with post graduate courses  in reading and accelerated learning.

Bob James is an experienced business professional with over 25 years of experience in marketing professional services and automation systems. He has managed a multi-year SBA 8a consulting program for the Columbus District, managed a multi year $5 million technology transfer and business formation program in India funded by US AID, and managed a worldwide distribution network for industrial automation products. He has a BS degree in Engineering and an MBA in marketing and business economics.


With the firm belief that it takes live instruction to change lifetime habits, Advanced Reading Concepts conducts personalized, instructor-led, Speed Reading Plusä courses and seminars that include strategies for improving comprehension, recall and retention along with speed for all kinds of reading materials including technical reading and writing lessons. These courses are held on-site for government agencies, the military, corporations and associations. Individuals from these organizations and the general public can come to our regularly scheduled small public classes at our location. 


We can tailor all of our services in length and emphasis for our clients.

  • Personalized, private classes for key staff members—length to be determined by needs of the participant.
  • 1 to 4 hour seminars and in-service Reading Faster to Understand Moreä workshops for up to 75 participants offering a 20% to 150% increase in reading efficiency depending on length of seminar.
  • One or two day six hour “Speed Reading Plus” courses for up to 25 participants offering a 100 to 300% increase in reading efficiency.
  • Twelve hour “Professional Speed Reading Plus” for up 20 participants conducted over a period of 2 full days, 3 half days.
  • The above course conducted once a week for four weeks within 100 mile radius of Columbus, Ohio.

Company Designations

Cage Code: 1XMB4
DUNS: 052717980
EIN: 31-1358767
Corporate Structure: Woman Owned/Small Business/S Corp
ORCA Structure: Complete
  Accept EFT and Credit Card Payments


611699 All other Misc. Schools & Instruction
541990 All other professional, Scientific, & Technical Services
611310 Colleges, Universities and Professional Schools
611430 Professional and Management Development Training
611710 Educational Support Services

SIC Codes

8299 Schools and Education Services, NEC
8331 Job Training and Related Services

Federal Supply Classification

6910 Training Aids

Contact Information:
Advanced Reading Concepts
1826 Glenn Avenue
Columbus, OH 43212-1114
Bonnie James, President
Bob James, VP Business Development
Phone:           614-486-2473
Toll Free:       888-524-0012
Facsimile:      614-486-7455
Email: bob@advancedreading.com
Website: www.AdvancedReading.com


Wright Patterson AFRL
Wright Patterson AFIT   
Eglin Air Force Base
Federal Law Enforcement Training Center
Central Ohio Transit Authority 
CISCO Systems
Roxane Boehringer-Ingelheim Labs
Aegon USA
Barclay Global Investors 
Ohio Society of CPA's
LA Transit Authority
Central Ohio Transit Authority
Lucent Technologies
The Ohio State University
State of Ohio
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Battelle Memorial Institute
Southern California Edison
American Electric Power
Nationwide Insurance Companies
Washington Township Fire Department

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