"I thought the class was useful. It helps you get rid of clutter and focus on main topics of reading material. I think the course will help my retention as well." - Jim S., Sales, McCue Corp., Salem, MA 
"I will be reading much more! Would like to take more advanced classes. Bonnie, You were a real “gift” to me and those present." - Jon P., New Covenant Believers Church 
"This session has been extremely helpful and it was done in such a way that it will always remain with me. Thank You!" - Rachelle R., Kennel Technician, Petlovers Animal Hospital 
"Well presented in short time frame with key steps addressed. I will be able to read in less time wit more comprehension. Training material was very beneficial." - Cheryl L., Central State University taken at New Covenant Believers Church 
"Wow! What a difference 2 hours can make. Bring on those reference manuals!" - E. Justice, Nationwide 
"Bonnie James presented a 2-hour seminar 'Improving Reading Skills' at the MidWest Veterinary Conference which draws over 5,000 participants. By popular demand, she has been invited to speak again. Our members described Bonnie as 'dynamic and energetic' and her seminar as ‘fun and informative’. Our members saw both their speed and comprehension increase. Both young and mature members enjoyed her seminar and a retired veterinarian remarked that Bonnie ‘taught this old dog some new tricks’." - Denise P., DVM 
"The most simple and straight-forward techniques were presented. I struggled with reading fast because I'm always tempted to be bogged down by the details. These strategies help keep me focused on "staying on tract" easier." - Sharmine L. 
"Broke down speed reading to take away the mystique of it." - Claudia K. 
"Wonderful techniques & new ways to do & think about reading. Could go on all day." - Siobhan C. 
"I learned to organize and focus when reading journals, magazines, etc. I home school my daughter--this will help me help here in her studies, how to read and study the material." - Jane B. 
"Increased my ability and desire to trust myself--Already was aware of many strategies but did not trust my comprehension to use them." - Carolyn Z. 
"Incredible" - Laura., Real Living 
"I'm in grad school and have much to read and not enough time o read it. This will help tremendously!" - Stacy A., Mt. Aloysius 
"Lots of wonderful pointers to read, absorb in shorter period of time." - Noreen S, Van Wert Manor 
"Members Increase by 50 percent at OSAE workshop." 
"I thought the class was useful. It helps you get rid of clutter and focus on main topics of reading material. I think the course will help my retention as well." - Jim S., Sales, McCue Corp., Salem, MA 
"The 31st Annual Educational Office Professionals of Ohio was a great success! Thank you for being our Keynote speaker on. You set the stage for learning at the conference and the friendly way you got people involved and relating to the audience was terrific." - Leanne Long, Past President, Educational Office Professionals of Ohio 