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Advanced Reading Concepts - Speed Reading Plus

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Speed Reading Classes

September 2023

Student Testimonials

"Thank you so much for your help! I was never too confident in myself in comprehension, as well as just reading in general. With you as my teacher, making it fun and interesting was a daily task for you, and I applaud you for doing that. I am now confident, and have passed my goal by roughly 2,000 words per minute! I loved your class and stay inspiring Bonnie!"

- Sriram R., Dublin Coffman HS (Student Courses)

Advanced Reading Concepts

1 (888) 524-0012 | (614) 486-2473

1826 Glenn Ave., Columbus, OH 43212 www.arcspeedreading.com





Speed Reading Course Information & Registration

Saturday, September 23 (One-Day Course)
Reading Speed and Comprehension Boost Course

Advanced Reading Concepts, 1826 Glenn Avenue, Upper Arlington, OH 43212

Tools to give you more confidence, competitiveness and the time to do what you need to do or want to do with extra hours in every day. Learn:

  • How to read over 100 words per minute faster or more now
  • Your current reading rate & your amazing potential
  • How to instantly find exactly the information you need for test questions and research
  • Ideas to improve your speed and comprehension immediately and to further increase these skills with practice
  • Writing Strategies for mastery and organizing reports, proposals, presentations & essays

    Date(s) & Time(s): Saturday, September 23, 10:00 - 2:30 PM
    Course Fee: $179.00 per person
    Available Discount(s): $-25.00 (Multiple Enrollments)

    Course Registration

    To register for this Speed Reading course, please call Advanced Reading Concepts at (614) 486-2473 or complete the secure payment form below.

    CONTACT INFORMATION (All Fields Required)

    Student Name: 
    Company (optional):
    School and Grade Level
    (if for a student):
    E-mail of Payer:
    Billing Address:
    City, State, Zip:  

    (All Fields Required)

    Name on Credit Card:
    Type of Card:
    Card Number:
    Security Code:
    (Last 3 digits on back of card or use 4 digits on front for American Express)
    Expiration Date:

    Please Process a One-Time Payment in the Amount of:

    (e.g. 100.00)

    Verification Word:

    To help reduce fraudulent registrations, retype the word below:

    Special Requests or other message



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