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Advanced Reading Concepts - Speed Reading Plus

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Speed Reading Classes

March 2023

Student Testimonials

"I liked the course. I had fun and I can't wait to use it during school!!"

- Torri K., Delhi MS (Student Courses)

Advanced Reading Concepts

1 (888) 524-0012 | (614) 486-2473

1826 Glenn Ave., Columbus, OH 43212 www.arcspeedreading.com





Speed Reading Course Information & Registration

Tuesday, March 21 (One-Day Course)
Reading and Writing Strategies for Maximizing Productivity

Advanced Reading Concepts, 1826 Glenn Avenue, Upper Arlington, OH 43212

This half-day workshop will make your professional or academic hours more productive, more effective, and more rewarding.
You Will Learn To:

  • Instantaneously find what you really need to read.
  • Increase your reading speed 20% - 200% and increase this speed with practice.
  • Layer the information you absorb for enhanced speed, recall and retention on detailed as well as general information.
  • Learn additional techniques for detailed reading that aid in mastering information and organizing it for future use--preparing for presentations and writing reports and proposals .
  • CPE's for CPA's available. Other CPU's may be available--check with your professionals association. 

    Date(s) & Time(s): Tuesday, March 21, 10:00 AM - 2:30 PM
    Course Fee: $199.00 per person
    Available Discount(s): $-25.00 (Multiple Enrollment)

    Course Registration

    To register for this Speed Reading course, please call Advanced Reading Concepts at (614) 486-2473 or complete the secure payment form below.

    CONTACT INFORMATION (All Fields Required)

    Student Name: 
    Company (optional):
    School and Grade Level
    (if for a student):
    E-mail of Payer:
    Billing Address:
    City, State, Zip:  

    (All Fields Required)

    Name on Credit Card:
    Type of Card:
    Card Number:
    Security Code:
    (Last 3 digits on back of card or use 4 digits on front for American Express)
    Expiration Date:

    Please Process a One-Time Payment in the Amount of:

    (e.g. 100.00)

    Verification Word:

    To help reduce fraudulent registrations, retype the word below:

    Special Requests or other message



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