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Advanced Reading Concepts - Speed Reading Plus

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February 2025

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Advanced Reading Concepts

1 (888) 524-0012 | (614) 486-2473

1826 Glenn Ave., Columbus, OH 43212 www.arcspeedreading.com

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Free Speed Reading Tip:  "The Above-The-Line Hint"

Tips for Reading Faster and Comprehending MoreRight now, when you look at a line of print, you focus straight at it. Sometimes your eyes feel like they get stuck. Maybe you even focus on every single word.

You can read 20% faster by using this method:
  • Instead of staring straight on the line, off-center your focus by looking slightly higher on the line.
  • Focus between the top half of the letters and the space above the line.

This method is faster because instead of your eyes getting stuck on a word here and there as they do occasionally, your eyes will glide along the line without that happening. You will also find that you are automatically seeing the words as clusters instead of individually.

To help you remember how to do this, just think of how one of our graduates described it: he referred to this technique as "surfing along the line."

Don't worry about exactly where your eyes are focusing as you try this. If you feel that your eyes are flowing as you read, you are doing this correctly.

You can surf both on hard copy and on the screen. Try it on this page. Some people learn to read 100 words per minute faster with just this hint, but use it as part of our "Layering Process" to read faster and comprehend more!

Want another free tip?  Sign up below and we'll send you the "Layering Process" tip for increasing speed, comprehension and recall right away.

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